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Tuesday 24 August 2010

Bed and Breakfast in France and Arts and Crafts in Crazanne

A few people have asked what has happened to the blog recently.....? well, I have been busy, busy, busy. We have finally finished decorating the final part of the house for the chambres d'hotes, see the new website and have had guests! I also have two new knitting books in the pipeline, samples have just gone off for the first, so fingers crossed that sells and I have signed the contract for the second one - yikes! Now I have all sorts of scary deadlines to meet.

On Sundy I was invited to take part in the annual arts and crafts event at Crazanne, a pretty little village about half an hour away from us. Various artists and craft workers set up in gardens around the village to promote their craft, I was in our friends' Dick and Jackie's barn which was a great spot for an exhibition. The night before and all morning we had the most horrendous thunderstorms, so was glad to be under cover, however the sun did come out for the afternoon. It wasn't as busy as it could have been, but we had fun, I handed out leaflets and talked a few people into coming along to one of my knitting groups. My neighbour in the barn, Hazel was showing her beautiful ceramics and gave us all a hands on chance with some clay - since a brief fling with pottery at college I have always fancied going back to it, sadly not enough hours in the day at the moment...!

1 comment:

  1. Sue, it all looks so lovely. Must try and get my friend Jackie to agree to come out with me sometime. Also great news about your books, look forward to a signed copy. Hope all is well with you and Culli. Love heike x
