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Saturday, 16 September 2017

Knitting and crochet workshop with Carol Meldrum - days 5 and 6

Work in progress
Thursday was the last full day workshop at knitting holidays in France and the competition was heating up to see who would actually complete a project.

Finishing off
On Friday morning some of the group were still finishing off squares and the rest were pinning and blocking and learning new methods for joining in crochet or by sewing..

Rhona's squares being blocked in the sunshine

Annabelle gave up on her squares and went back to her favourite knitting project - more toys!

However, when she saw her squares laid out she decided that maybe they would make a bag after all. They are absolutely beautiful with lovely textures and a subtle sparkle from the bead work & lurex yarn.

Sue B has been learning to crochet something other than granny squares and has come up with some lovely textures and subtle shades.

Rose has been learning to crochet and experimented with various stitches to create a collection of squares, a bowl and the start of a body for a hippopotamus.........

When Lillias arrived on Saturday she said that she hadn't knitted for many years and was feeling very nervous about what she would be able to achieve. Well these are her beautifully knitted squares, soon to become a bag, lined with the lovely fabric she bought on Tuesday. 

Sandra has created some amazing textured squares, joining them with splashes of pink and lilac yarn to lift the neutral shades. The fabric she bought on Monday will be used to make a lining for the bag.

Michele has combined a mix of textures using buttons, bobbles and beads using stitch patterns from different sources to create a really lovely and unique mix.

Christine went off piste from the start, deciding that the neutral shades were not for her. After rummaging around in one of my boxes of stash she came up with this buzzing colour combination inspired by her love of Mexico. The owl fabric will make the perfect lining.

 After a spending a gruelling 2 hours on one of the cable squares, Rhona has put together a stunning mix of textured squares to make into a book bag, the lovely batik fabric she bought on Monday will be used for the lining.

 In the afternoon we went to Cognac for the last bit of shopping and sightseeing.

Then back to The Barn for gin and tonic and the final show and tell.

The finished results are fantastic, everyone has achieved a huge amount in just a week, a big big thank you to Carol Meldrum for being such a wonderful tutor. We finished the week with a supper of Charentaise melon with Pineau, Paella then Banoffi pie. After supper, the secret Santa gifts were distributed - everyone rose to the challenge of creating something from some felting yarn they found in my stash. The gifts included scary badges from Carol, lovely bars of felt covered soap from Michele and cute little woven mats from Lillias.

If you would like to join me and Carol at Knitting holidays in France, we are taking bookings now for September 2918. Details here.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Knitting and crochet holidays in France - workshop with Carol Meldrum days 3 and 4

We started day 3 with a trip to Saintes. First stop was l'Oasis for fabric and yarn shopping

then in to town for clothes, Maison du Monde and a cup of coffee.

After lunch everyone was eager to get back to their projects.

On day 4 we braved the rain and set off for the market in St Jean d'Angely, the fruit and veg stalls were packed with colourful pumpkins and squash.

We had a quick wander around the town with time for a visit to the yarn shop and a coffee

The rain had set in for the day, but perfect weather for knitting and crochet. The projects are coming on really well with some fabulous textures and subtle colour combinations.

And at 6pm the gin and tonic fountain appeared..............